Last chemotherapy

Please be patient with my spelling and long rambling sentences… I just got back from chemo and they give me LOTS of drugs that mess with my brain.  But I wanted to share the news with you. 

We learned today that this round, Number 6, will be my last.  After going in for my infusions tomorrow and Monday, our focus will change to dealing with a new and rapidly growing mass near my mastectomy scar.  It looks and feels like the kind of mass that’s called “local recurrence after mastectomy” and since my original tumor was so darn big and spread out, we knew I was at high risk.  I had a biopsy Monday, and the pathology results were inconclusive.  Therefore, the whole thing, with a large margin of  normal tissue, needs to come out.  SOON.

Meanwhile, we are abruptly changing our focus to radiation therapy.  Because of the stage of my original cancer, I knew I’d eventually need radation, but I didn’t think it was going to be so all of a sudden!  I get started next Friday, if my blood counts are OK.  We had thought that radiation was going to wait until after my other surgeries… (hysterectomy and ovary removal, the other mastectomy….) but now those need to get bumped to May. 

I am truly going to be devastated if we find out that all this chemotherapy wasn’t effective. 

Love, Elizabeth

18 thoughts on “Last chemotherapy

  1. Elizabeth, I am a friend of Jessica Taylor’s and just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you and your sweet family for some time now. Your strength, courage, faith, and determination is amazing. God will get you through this . . . and until it’s behind you I’ll keep praying!

  2. 2 Corinthians 12 — His Grace is sufficient for you, your hubby, your kids,
    your sanity, etc., … even if it doesn’t FEEL that way at the moment.
    All my love.

  3. You might not feel strong, but you are. You might not feel courageous, but you are. You might not feel loved, but you are.

    Love and prayers from Norfolk.

  4. I’m so sorry for the suffering you’re having to endure right now. I pray that as Paul said, your “present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in [you].” I’m praying for you.

  5. Thanks to Esther for telling us about your blog. I have been praying for you each day since your diagnosis. You will laugh at how I remember to pray.

    Whenever I wash my hands, I try to pray three Hail Marys–to make sure I have washed long enough and to offer up prayers for specific people. You, my husband and a priest friend are my first three of everyday.

    Lots of love and prayers to you and your beautiful family from Cimarron.

  6. Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry. The following is a quote inspired by Maya Angelou…

    “Just as hope rings through laughter, it can also shine through tears.”

    I wish I could do more. As always, you are in my prayers.


  7. Dear Elizabeth,

    I only wish that I had wise and wonderful words for you. Instead, I have tears. You are strong, faith-filled, courageous and loved. Love, Nancy

  8. Oh Elizabeth,
    I am so sorry for you and your family that you have to go through this. I wish there was something I could say to ease your road, but I just don’t have the words. I do feel that you have the strength to face this turn of events after having just talked to your parents.

    Please know that more thoughts and prayers are coming your way from Kalamazoo.

  9. What an amazing lady you are. I don’t know where you get your strength from, but you are the pillar of strength!
    Continue to be strong and I’ll pray harder for your quick recovery.
    I am so fortunate to know you and call you my friend.

  10. I will be praying! I’m the mother of 6 and know many things can weigh on your heart!
    I will pray for your healling and that God will comfort your mommy heart.


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