Joy trumps balance.


Yesterday was the Christmas recital.  I can’t tell you how many times how many people have asked me why I don’t just take the year off from violin for the kids.  It’s a long drive, it’s a lot of practicing, it’s just not essential.


But any  parent should understand.  When I sit and listen to my children making beautiful music TOGETHER, it’s totally worth it.  Every once in a while when it rains, I have momentary doubts.


I hate it when it rains on violin days.  Getting children, baby, Danny’s chair, four violins, a viola, the music bag, snacks, diaper bag and schoolbooks all into the van in the rain, out of the van in the rain, into Jessica’s house in the rain (trying to not drag too much mud into her always lovely home…) then back out to the van in the rain (and by now it’s dark) then out of the van in the rain and into the house, in the rain.  violin31

So I admit.  I pray for dry skies on Tuesdays.  But all it takes, even in a downpour, to motivate me to happily listen to my children’s lessons is to think about how nice it is when somebody who tends to not have much confidence in his musical skills can thoroughly memorize his new piece and be really proud to show it off… or to think about how nice it is to snuggle a baby while hearing my big kids laughing and playing dueling fiddle tunes on Saturday mornings. 


Yesterday was the recital.  Their music brought me joy.  (and some laughter… I still think it’s funny that Danny decided that he was going to play “A Major Scale” instead of one of his twinkles…. but he did such a good job and was really proud of himself 🙂 )  The trio was beautiful, and the solos were ever so nice. 

Who cares about balance?  If it makes me happy, it’s worth it.

Love, Elizabeth

Oh, P.S.  No photos of George from the recital because he has RSV.  He was at the ER from 8:30 to 1:30 yesterday, so I thought it was best to not share his germs with all the other families right before Christmas.

4 thoughts on “Joy trumps balance.

  1. how beautiful!! Those moment make all the struggles of parenting worth it :O)

    will pray for little Goerge & healing from the RSV :O(

    take care of yourself


  2. Elizabeth,

    Your children are beautiful. I’ve only met George, but Danny is simply adorable. I can only imagine the sound of their playing and the joy it brings to you. They are blessed to have you for their mom.


  3. I LOVE all the pictures! You will have to give me a copy of Danny’s ~ it is priceless! I’m so glad that you have continued to have your children take violin lessons. They really do make beautiful music, seperately and together. Your family is an inspiration to me each and every week. I am so thankful to have your children as my students!

  4. Hi Elizabeth,

    The pictures were wonderful, and it must be a blessing for you to hear your children share their gifts. Perhaps joy is balance. Nancy

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